He Said She Said: Daylight Savings Time
In this segment of The Marc and Mandy Show, Marc and Mandy debate their thoughts on Daylight Savings Time. Check out the video above to learn what they have to say or keep reading for some tips on getting yourself and your family adjusted to Daylight Savings Time.
Commit to a “practice week”
About a week before Daylight Savings, get your family prepared for the change by going to bed about 15 to 30 minutes earlier than you normally would. The same goes for waking up in the morning. Doing this gradually will keep the time change from being a shock to the system.
Keep to your normal routine
Much like you would when experiencing jet lag, forcing yourself to keep your regular schedule from day to day, even when it feels unnatural to your body, will help you to adjust quicker. This means waking up, going to bed, and eating meals when you normally would, even if you don’t feel like it. You should also avoid taking naps.
Avoid coffee and alcohol
If you’re having trouble adjusting to the time change at night, and are feeling inclined to stay up later than you should, consider cutting down or cutting out your alcohol and coffee consumption. These vices tend to get in the way of getting a good night’s sleep.
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