Tips for a Healthy Work Lunch – When it comes to packing lunch for work, it can be tempting to opt for something quick, easy, and microwaveable or forgo the packed lunch all together and eat out instead. It’s a widely known fact that you are what you eat, meaning that what you consume for your lunch can directly affect your focus, energy and overall performance at work. All the more reason to pack healthy! Here are some tips to keep you on the right track.
Make Enough Dinner for Leftovers
Let’s face it, meal prep is time-consuming and not everybody has adequate time on the weekends to prepare lunches a week in advance. Instead, try to make your last night’s dinner stretch into today’s lunch.
Keep Backup Staples on Hand and Ready To Go
Think protein-rich and long shelf life. Almonds, veggies, whole fruit, or perhaps a chicken breast in the freezer, can all be used to supplement a lunch that falls short of healthy or hearty.
If You Wouldn’t Let Your Kids Eat It, Neither Should You
You wouldn’t let your child take processed foods and sugary snacks for their lunches so neither should you. Take a cue from your child’s lunch; if you’re packing them carrot sticks or a water bottle instead of juice or pop, simply pack yourself the same.
Try the Buddy System
Tips for a Healthy Work Lunch – Finally, if you’re finding yourself unmotivated to prepare lunch all the time, enlist the help of a friend at work and take turns bringing lunch for each other. This will force you to pack healthier and to explore new and interesting recipes and combinations since you’ll have someone else depending on you.
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