7 Trick-or-Treating Safety Tips for Families

For kids around the nation, Halloween is a highly anticipated affair. Between the truckloads of free candy available for the taking, the fun costumes, and the permission to stay up late and forgo their jackets, it’s no wonder that children count down the days to Halloween much like mom counts down the days until the newest episode of The Bachelor airs. Scary face paint and Skittles aside, trick-or-treating can also be a recipe for disaster if you’re not careful. Keep your kids safe this Halloween with these tips.
Plan your route beforehand.
Rather than wandering around haphazardly, which could leave you a farther walk away from your home than you’d like, make a plan beforehand of which houses you plan to hit, accounting for things like heavy bags of candy to carry and bathroom breaks. Stick to areas your children are familiar with so that if they get lost, they’ll know how to get back home.
Dress appropriately.
Sturdy comfy shoes and lots of layers just in case. If you have a child who’s costume is all black, consider sticking reflective tape somewhere noticeable on their costume. Glow sticks also work. Avoid costumes that will drag on the ground creating a trip hazard
Go in groups.
But make sure your parent to kid ratio is reasonable
Go non-flammable
Account for things like jack-o-lanterns which may have a real flame illuminating it, and opt for costumes that are made out of synthetic fabrics like nylon, polyester or acrylic.
Go easy on the props.
Got a pirate or ninja in your crew? Consider leaving the sword and nunchucks at home to avoid injuries caused by hyper children. If a prop is absolutely germane to the costume, find a way to attach it to their body to lessen the risk that they will lose it. Also, ensure that the prop is made out of pliable plastic or rubber.
Bring a flashlight.
And give your child a small keychain-sized flashlight to keep on them just in case they lose you.
Check the candy
And just like your parents did when you went trick-or-treating, check all candy thoroughly at the end of the night and discard anything that looks like it has been tampered with.
Happy Halloween!