8 Baby Myths Every New Mom Should Be Aware Of
Being a new mom is exciting! Before you know it, you’re holding that little life in your hands while making all sorts of whispered promises to them. Even the newborn smell is wonderful. Being a new mom, there will be all sorts of people giving you advice. Here are a few myths you may have heard of.
Myth: Infants need to be bathed every day
The truth is this; Babies don’t stink from sweat the way adults do. They only need a bath every two to three days (except following a major diaper explosion!) and frequent bathing can cause a baby’s sensitive skin to dry out. If a bath is part of your evening routine, a daily bath is perfectly okay, just don’t forget to moisturize after.
Myth: Babies sleep best in a room that’s silent and dark
The Truth: While some children are really light sleepers, most do fine with back round noise and a little light. Plus, if your little one gets used to some activity around them when they are asleep. They will be more willing to sleep when you are out and about and it will be easier to keep them on a schedule.
Myth: Letting your little one stand or bounce in your lap can cause bowlegs later on
The Truth: Your baby won’t become bowlegged; that’s just an old wives tale. Young babies are learning how to bear weight on their legs and finding their center of gravity. So letting you child stand or bounce on your leg can be both fun and mentally stimulating while promoting good balance.
Myth: Listening to classical music will raise your baby’s IQ
The Truth: Music can enrich your baby’s life, but no founding research has determined that having a baby listen to classical music in particular will result in significant brain-boosting benefits.
Myth: Let your baby cry it out; if you pick him or her up whenever they are crying will spoil them
The Truth: Babies under 4 months of age have few self-soothing strategies; they know how to suck to soothe and love being swaddled, but that’s the extent of it. Picking up your baby when they cry helps them learn that parents will always be there to care for them.
Myth: Babies should be woken up in the night to have a wet diaper changed
The Truth: Urine is sterile and today’s diapers are highly absorbent, so its ok to leave a baby in a wet diaper overnight. However, staying in a poopy diaper for to long can cause a UTI or a bladder infection, especially for baby girls – so if you smell one, be sure to change it.
Myth: Never apply sunscreen to an infant under 6 months of age
The Truth: The risk of skin cancer later on from sun exposure is greater then the risk of your baby having a reaction to sunscreen. The best idea (in my opinion) is to keep your baby away from dangerous UV rays as much as possible from 10 A.M to 4 P.M. but put on sunscreen with at least 15 spf if baby will be in the sun. Experts say that it is ok to apply a minimal amount of sunscreen to small areas such as baby’s face and the back of the hands.