The Importance of Finding Time for Mom
Finding time for mom is an important part of raising a family. In order to take care of your family, you also have to take care of your own needs. I can predict that some of you agree with the concept but have already dismissed the idea with these arguments;
- I can’t afford it
- I don’t have time
- I don’t have someone to sit with my kids
- I don’t know who I’d go out with
- I don’t know what to do/where to go
If all, or some of these excuses sound like you, you need to continue reading.

It’s Important to Everyone
When you do things for yourself to nurture your mind, body and soul, your whole family will benefit. Making “you time” a priority to recharge, re-energize, relax, and re-balance away from the busy bustle of life is the fuel that keeps us upbeat rather than beat up!
Find the Time
A common struggle amongst moms is finding the time. Women today are told they have it all; careers, families, children, and relationships. But “having it all” can also translate to having no energy or time left for yourself.
Schedule your “Me Time”
Make your free time as important as a doctor’s appointment, conference call, or a meeting with a client. Treat it just like any other appointment.
Team Up
You’re not the only one who faces the challenges of motherhood. Who better to turn to than other moms? Arrange outings with other moms or take turns meeting at your homes. You could also pick dates for each of you to look after the children, while the other gets time off to do whatever they like. A couple hours away to do some shopping, get a haircut, or even something as simple as running errands solo is enough to get your spirit and battery recharged.
Date Night
Include your spouse when scheduling “me time”. Whether you plan a supper out every week, or catch a movie after they’ve gone to bed, incorporate significant other. If you can’t schedule an evening out, slip away for 15-30 min while the kids are temporarily distracted by Spongebob to reconnect and perhaps re-live those old high school thrills by going into another room to make-out.
Remember your Non-Mom Friends
Invite them along even if they don’t have kids. Don’t automatically exclude a friend who doesn’t have kids from every trip to the zoo or swimming pool. You’ll get the chance to catch up and reconnect with your friend. She’ll also be happy to be included.
Girls Night Out
Date night doesn’t have to be exclusively with your spouse. Schedule a date with a friend or a group of friends/moms. Earn bonus points by getting a sitter and encouraging your spouse to have a guys night out.
Raising a family can be expensive. Get creative and find free or inexpensive things to do. Plant a garden, go for walks, phone a friend, or listen to music. Plan a “dessert potluck night” once a month (get together with other moms/women and everyone brings a different dessert) or organize a book club.