Holiday Gift Review: Honeycake Books
Honeycake Books as seen in Marc & Mandy’s Holiday Favorites Christmas 2020.
The Honeycake books are a great children’s series that teaches valuable life lessons on diversity,
kindness, mindfulness, trust and gratitude. These books will enlighten, empower, educate and entertain children and their families for generations to come. Medea Kalantar’s stories are based on her own family, whose members come from many ethnic backgrounds. This unique mix is a perfect recipe— just like the spices in a honey cake. That is why she calls her grandchildren her little Honeycakes. – www.honeycakebooks.com

Through imagination, the grandmother teaches Nala how to bake a honey cake and explains how each delicious ingredient represents a different family member and his or her unique ethnic background.

Nala gets stage fright at school. But with the help of her mom, Nala learns how to get rid of those pesky butterflies in her tummy with step by step meditation and deep breathing exercises.

Nala brings her outgrown toys and clothes to Rainbow Hall, and spends the day with her Grandma and Uncle JD discovering a special magical power we all have, called ✨KINDNESS✨

Nala learns a valuable lesson of trust and how to have an open and honest communication in a safe space. Nala also learns that trust takes a long time to build and can easily be destroyed in a split second!

✨NEW RELEASE✨ Nala learns the importance of gratitude and how being thankful equips her with a powerful tool to make those icky feelings of jealousy from the “Green-Eyed Monster” disappear.

No matter where we come from, or what color our skin is, we are all one race. The human race. We are all one!
Medea Kalantar, Award Winning Author of Honeycake Book Series