Pest Control – 5 Common Pests to Look Out For In Your Garden
Pest Control – When you work hard to prepare, grow, and cultivate your garden, the last thing you want to worry about is pests destroying all your hard work. Certain pests can cause a range of problems in the garden, including increased mold growth, transmission of viral diseases, and damage to the soil and plants. As you’re tending to your garden, watch for signs of some of the most destructive pests.

Image via Flickr by zboza.m
While some spiders are good for the garden, as they can eat bothersome pests that will otherwise destroy your plant life, others can cause their own destruction. Certain spiders are also venomous or aggressive toward humans, which means you could end up with a dangerous bite when you’re trying to tend to your plants. Insecticides don’t work on spiders because pests have to drag their bodies through the material for it to be effective. If you spot any poisonous spiders in your garden, you may want to look into professional spider pest control to protect yourself and your family.
Aphids are small, pear-shaped insects with two tubes that project rearward from their abdomens. They love flowers, shade trees, fruits, vegetables, and ornamentals, so people throughout the country will often spot them in their gardens. Aphids excrete honeydew on plant leaves, increasing the risk of mold growth. Aphids also destroy leaves and foliage by sucking sap from plants. To keep them away, you can wash plants with a forceful spray of water or apply repellent sprays.
While caterpillars may seem like cute additions to your garden, they can actually cause damage. Remember the beloved children’s book about the hungry caterpillar? He ate through a wide range of plants and foods, and the same can happen in your outdoor space. They chew through the leaves and some tunnel into fruits. Watch for signs of caterpillars on your plants and remove them whenever possible. You may also want to introduce some native predators to your plants to take care of the pests naturally.
Snails and Slugs
Slugs and snails are nocturnal creatures that terrorize the garden while you sleep. They tend to prefer plants in shady, damp conditions, so keep an eye out for them as you prune and care for your garden. You may not see the slugs and snails right away, as their sticky bodies allow them to attach to the underside of leaves. Not only will they destroy the leaves with their eating habits, but they can also carry lungworm, which is dangerous to both humans and animals.
Not all beetles are worrisome, but certain types will cause a lot of destruction in your outdoor space. The most concerning types include the flea beetle, Mexican bean beetle, Colorado potato beetle, and Japanese beetle. These beetles may chew through flowers, defoliate your plants, and cause damage to the leaves, resulting in a garden that doesn’t grow.
As you care for your garden, look for signs of destruction caused by harmful pests. You can take steps to remove them, as well as make your plants less appealing by applying repellent products, covering the foliage, and bringing in natural predators.