Prepless Veneers
Veneers are thin sheets of porcelain that look like teeth shaped shells. They are permanently placed to the front of your teeth with the purpose of quickly improving the appearance of your teeth. It is important to remember that veneer application is one of those treatments that require a cosmetic dentist who knows the procedure. Prepless Veneers cover the front of the teeth in a painless procedure that doesn’t usually require any type of anesthesia or removal of tooth structure. Prepless veneers can be made with composite material or porcelain just like traditional veneers. A composite veneer can be prepared in the office, while a porcelain veneer will need to be produced in a lab. Your smile makeover will be unique to your needs, goals, and particular dental situation! – The Lowe Centre for Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry, www.mysmilemakeover.com