Unstick New Year’s Resolution Contest
With the new year fast approaching, you’ve probably already given some thought to what you want to do in the new year. This year, resolve to enjoy healthier, easier cooking with Unstick! Enter today and you could win a set of Unstick Liners for your own home including Unstick’s Reusable BBG Grill Sheet, Reusable Oven Liner, Reusable Roasting & Baking Sheet, Reusable Cake & Loaf Liners, Reusable Frying Pan Liners, Reusable Casserole Dish Liner and Reusable Arts & Craft Sheet.
I use the cooking sheets all the time they are great
Trying to eat healthier.
My resolution for 2018 is to eat healthier by cooking more at home.
My resolution is to try not to let things bother me so much and also to try to smile more, especially when people seem like they could use it.
My resolution is to try to do more walking and eat better.
My resolution is to get back to exercising!
to get outdoors more
My resolution is to cut out snacking in the evenings
My resolution is to be more organized
My resolution is to start exercising and eating healthier.
Try exercise more and eat healthier.
To spend more time with family I don’t see very often.
To drink more water on a daily basis.
My resolution is to get back to my workouts!
I plan to start drinking more water every day!
My resolution is to write one thing that I’m grateful for each day.
New Year, New Start. You can make a Resolution, but will you stick to it? Therefore, I have made a list of things I want to do and things I need to do. Then, I’ll tackle this list one day at a time. If at first I don’t succeed, I’ll try and find something that will motivate me and get me back on track.
My resolution for 2018 is to read a book a month!
to eat healthier!
My resolution for this year is to take better care of myself.
To exercise more is my 2018 resolutions
My resolution is to live more adventurously!
Trying to kick sugar in my home!
My New Years resolution is to eat healthier!
To waste less & grow more!
Move more and eat better.
to laugh more
I will try to eat more sensible snacks
My new year resolution is to pay off debt to get ready for retirement
My new year resolution is to pay off debt to get ready for retirement in 2 years!
to make more time for friends and family !
I want to exercise more and eat healthier- try new recipes.
My resolution is to take ME times and embark on a hobby.
to work more on my etchings. I barely touched them last year.
My resolution is to go to the gym twice a week
I want to lose weight and start to get the house to lose weight from all the junk in it too
My resolutio is to take more time to travel and enjoy life.
get more motivated
Sure makes this less messy and easier clean up!
My resolution is to slow down and enjoy moments.
My resolution is to meal plan better
I plan to eat healthier and run more often.
My resolution is to cook more of our meals at home and eat less out this year.
To eat healthier!
My resolution is to eat healthier and try out new recipes/foods
Drink more water every day
To eat more at home and to hug more dogs
To eat in moderation & excercise more.
My resolution for 2018 is to start doing yoga again!
I am cooking more meals with fresh ingredients and avoiding processed foods as much as possible.
I am going to try and eat better
My resolution is to loose 15 pounds before the wedding in September.
My resolution is to take more risks this year.
I resolve to eat more broccoli!!
My resolution for 2018 is to try a new recipe every week.
to learn how to quilt
My New Year’s resolution is more of a mantra . . . . I am going to “Pray, Wait and TRUST”??
My resolution is to cook at home more often.
in 2018, I would like to end each day with a list of things I am grateful for !
My resolution for 2018 is to cook more and experiment with new cooking methods that I’m not used to, try new foods!
My resolution for 2018 is to be more organized.
I’m trying to cook healthier family meals
My resolution is to eat healthier and lose some weight.
Go for a daily walk
To ride my bike more.
Eat healthier and train for a half-marathon
Mt resolution is to make more meals from scratch instead of relying on pre-made or packaged ingredients so much
to cut out artificial sugars in my diet!
Be more socially active
Sleep better
Get closer to God
What a great start to the new year.
My 2018 resolution is to eat healthier and exercise more. Thanks so much and happy new year!
No resolutions, I’m just going to strive to eat better and get my finances in order.
I plan to exercise more!
My resolution is to stress less
Though I don’t normally make a resolution, I really want to quit smoking, that is my goal this year!
My resolution is to get more exercise.
to exercise
My resolution is to drink more water!
My resolution is to strap my fitbit back on and start walking outside.
eat healthier, exercise more
my resolution is to lose weight and eat healthier.
Like a lot of people, eating healthier. These non sticks would make cooking healthier a bit easier. Fingers Crossed.