10 Online Dating Tips
Online dating is becoming a very popular way to meet new people and it can be great! You get to talk to people you may never have had a chance to meet otherwise and broaden your horizons. Online dating can also be scary! If you’re thinking about venturing into the world of online dating, here are a few tips to get you started.
Be Ready to Date: If you are still not over your ex or are only looking for a date because your friends say you need one, you stand a good chance of self-sabotage.
Figure Out What YOU Want: Which ever site you decide to grace your awesome self with; make sure it suits you and what you are looking for. For example: If you love golf, don’t go to a site that has people who love to bake on it. Go to a singles golf site.
Don’t Pay Attention to Numbers: Most sites will throw out tons of numbers you don’t need. If the website has a lot of members, that’s good, as long as they are quality members!
Don’t Try to Overly Market Yourself: When you write your profile, it’s great to talk a bit about yourself but research shows that people are turned off if you use “I” too much. It makes you seem self absorbed.
Be Honest: Regardless of horror stories that your friends and family tell you, tons of people are actually looking for love. If they not looking for love, they will go to sites that are generated for that sort of thing.
Choose a Great Photo of Yourself: When choosing a profile pic, choose one of you smiling naturally and having fun. People are drawn to photos that reflect a happy person. Not someone desperate
Don’t Over Shop: When people are faced with numerous choices in a partner, they tend to make choices that they are not happy with.
Do Not Expect Instant Success: In this thing called life you will meet hundreds of people out in the world, whether it be at work, supermarkets or socials. You will find someone, just be patient.
Get Real; Early: Do your best to not fall for only email and text. Just because you feel close to someone online or through technology, doesn’t mean you and your intended will click in person.
Get a Buddy: Get a friend to go along with you on this journey, someone who will help you through the sticky parts and support you when it doesn’t go well or when it goes fantastic!