11 Easy Ways to Save Time in the Morning
Are your mornings rushed? You have a hundred things to do before work and the clock seems to be moving twice as fast, which is why it is that much more important to establish an efficient morning routine. Here are a few tips to save time in the mornings.
Of course, half the battle has to do with your practices the night before:
- Before bed, write out a to-do list. This will not only help you manage your morning, but it will also help calm your mind so you can sleep.
- Make sure your bags are packed, clothes are pre-determined, and lunches are packed the night before.
- Check the next day’s forecast so you chose your clothes and outwear accordingly.
- Prepare your coffee maker and do any breakfast prep you can. For example, if you’re making a shake, have all the ingredients out or in the blender, if you’re eating oatmeal, have it pre-served and ready on the kitchen table.
- If you’re planning to work out in the morning, go to bed in your work out clothes.
In the morning:
- NO SNOOZE. Also, avoid setting multiple alarms, which can often hurt more than help and increase the possibility of you sleeping in. Try your best to set one, max two alarms, and get in the habit of waking up the first time.
- Ignore your phone, TV, and tablet – these are notorious time suckers.
- Instead of ironing, try a wrinkle releaser.
- Invest in a shower timer.
On your commute:
- Think, is there anything you do at home that you could possible do on your commute instead? If you take the bus or are a passenger in a carpool, eat your breakfast and check your emails on the go.
The best thing you can do is to create and practice routine in the mornings. The more routine something becomes, the more efficient you will be and the less time you’ll take.
That is AWESOME tips you have.
Thank you for making my mornings easier 🙂