3 Simple Steps for Making Mornings Easier on Mom
Getting your kids out of the house in the morning, and in a timely fashion, can often be an ordeal. Jody Loeppky gives us three steps to improving the efficiency of your morning routine.
- Have the older kids help out with the things that they are old enough to do, like getting dressed themselves, brushing their hair, and brushing their teeth. This allows mom and dad more time to get ready and to get breakfast ready.
- If you’re having trouble getting your kids dressed in the morning, one thing that works very well is to have them pick out their clothes the night before. You can lay them out or hang them where the kids can see them.
- Reserve time on the tablet and TV for when the kids are finished getting ready for school. This way there’s less of a fight to get them ready and in the event that you have a little bit of time before the bus comes, the kids will be occupied, giving the parents a chance to finish getting ready as well.