5 Romantic Dates for Busy Parents
Being a parent is one of the most beautiful things in the world, but as parents you do need to make sure the romance hasn’t left your love life once the children arrive. What can you do (as parents) to keep the romance alive? There are many ways in doing so. It may not always be easy but it is important to make time for each other because a strong relationship will in turn have a positive impact on YOUR parenting.
Get a Little Nostalgic: Do something that you enjoyed doing when you first met. It could be going for a walk, checking out a play or going to a movie; revisiting a favorite activity from the past can help you reconnect.
Role Reversal: Why not send the kids out to dinner and a movie with their sitter? You and your spouse can stay in and make use of a few hours alone together.
Get a Room: Why not rent a room at a local hotel or motel? You don’t have to have an overnight sitter, just a few hours of blissful alone time will be enough. This can be a bit pricey but if you look for deals, it can be done.
Borrow a Room: If you have friends who are going out of town for the weekend or week, ask them if you can use their house as a “hotel room.” Bring your own bedding and towels and leave a bottle of wine or sparkling water as a thank you ( or you could offer them the same favor if you go out of town.)
Double up: Plan a double date with another set of parents and share the cost of a sitter. Your children get a play date while you all get a much needed date night.