5 Common Bad Morning Habits & How To Fix Them
- Skipping breakfast.
This is number one because it is perhaps the most prevalent issue amongst working adults. Breakfast is put on low priority because we think that it is somehow less important than straightening our hair or putting on makeup, when really, eating a good breakfast is key for a having a good day. Just to name a few benefits; eating breakfast can improve concentration and performance during the day, lower cholesterol levels, increase metabolism, and give you more energy.
Fix: Prep your breakfast the night before. If you’re a smoothie person, leave all your ingredients out, or even in the blender if you can. And further, stop gobbling down your Cheerios, the hair straightening can wait! Take your time with breakfast, and allow yourself to digest and maintain some semblance of calmness in the mornings.
- You’re probably getting out of bed wrong, who knew?
Fix: Roll over onto your right side, then push yourself up into a sitting position before standing with a straight back (no hunching). This is the gentlest way to get up, takes the pressure off your heart and back, and is a great, easy ritual to start your morning right. And don’t forget to stretch! Stretching has been known to improve posture, decrease aches and pains throughout your day and increase blood flow.
- Looking at your phone first thing.
There’s nothing that will make you feel more sluggish than staring at your phone for the first half an hour after you wake up.
Fix: Get a new alarm, if your phone is also your alar. If you keep your phone somewhere other than within arms reach from your bed, it’s an added incentive to get out of bed. Try to give yourself 30-60 minutes in the morning of screen-free time. You will be amazed at how much time you can save in the morning.
- Not drinking water.
One glass of water in the morning can help boost your metabolism.
Fix: Keep a full glass of water beside your bed and make it a point to drink it first thing. If you don’t like the taste of plain water, lemon water is even better for you.
- Sleeping in and rushing on your appearances.
Yes, sleep is important, and those thirty extra minutes you spend with your face under the comforter can feel like heaven, but what’s more important than that is beginning your day feeling confident and put together. If you are sacrificing on your getting ready time, you might be setting yourself up for a bad day.
Fix: QUIT THE SNOOZE. Get up the first time your alarm rings, and don’t allow yourself to be suckered by all those “in case” alarms set in 10 minute intervals.
Very sensible article.
A good read.