Cottage Country Style
Hot tubs are making a splash in backyards across Canada. With so many options available be careful what you buy. Some hot tubs are built to last and others are designed to fail.
WATCH OUT FOR IMITATIONS The pandemic blew apart the industry and manufacturers sprung up everywhere. Many of these spas are not designed for our Canadian climate and trick buyers into slick design and promotions. These tubs generally last 3-5 years and are what experts call single-use spas. This can be the right buy for a short-term need but often end up wasting valuable money when repairs are more costly than the cost of the spa.
LOOK FOR THE WORLD’S FIRST STEEL FRAMED SPAS FROM MAAX SPAS These spas are 250% stronger than wood frames and 40% lighter. Steel is the backbone of the appliance grade design which means your hot tub is serviceable from all four sides and can be maintained and serviced back to factory specifications onsite. The steel frame also comes with a lifetime warranty of 25 years.
INVESTING IN QUALITY PRODUCTS WITH PATENTED INSULATION TECHNOLOGY MATTERS With the world’s first patented and engineered insulation system, Maax Spas is leading the industry in innovation and technology. Northern Exposure Insulation protects the main equipment and plumbing from freezing but makes the spas extremely energy efficient and quiet. Other styles of insulation leave a hot tub vulnerable to freezing and expensive repairs.
DON’T MAKE THE MISTAKE OF BUYING ONLY ON PRICE Do your research and invest in a quality product to get the most out of your experience. No one likes a hot tub that doesn’t work. – RnR Hot Tubs and Spas, www.rnrhottubs.com

Salt Spring Island Apparel Company was first established in 2016 with the goal to be inclusive, and encourage people to be there for each other. Cottage Country Lifestyle Apparel Co. by Salt Spring Island Apparel Company is a line of hoodies, T-shirts, crewnecks, and more. They were designed to help support local and mental health. A portion of each sale goes straight to mental health initiatives. The clothing is durable, soft, easy to clean, and available in many styles, sizes, and colors! It is perfect for everyday wear or a trip to the cottage. – Salt Spring Island Apparel Company, www.saltspringislandapparelcompany.ca