DIY Noisemakers Your Kids Will Love
If there were ever a time to make a commotion, midnight on December 31st would be it. So tell you kids to use their outside voices for once, set them up with a homemade noisemaker, and let them enjoy the one time a year they get to stay up past their bedtime. Here are five noisemakers you can DIY.
This DIY is so simple your kids can probably make it

Speaking of simple, this DIY requires no more than a straw and sequins

This noisemaker, chock full of treats, doubles as a party favor. (Just don’t tell the kids about the treats until after midnight.)

You’ll need party streamers and toilet paper rolls to make this breezy party blower

You’ll need more than knickknacks from around the house for this noisemaker, but the kids and adults alike will love them!