Botox VS Dermal Fillers
In my opinion, it is extremely important to educate patients before any medical aesthetic procedure be performed. Here are some interesting facts about the difference between Botox and dermal fillers, which are two of the most popular procedures performed at ML Aesthetics Clinic.

Botulinum toxin, aka BOTOX, is a neuromodulator and its main purpose is to prevent and treat wrinkles or fine lines resulting from muscle movement. It is still the most used procedure in the world and one of the most effective ways to rejuvenate the skin. It increases the microcirculation of muscles inducing collagen production. It can also treat hyperhidrosis in the underarm, hands, and feet.
Hyaluronic acid fillers, otherwise known as dermal fillers, are used to restore or add volume to specific facial regions, such as lips, chin, temples, and cheeks. If you experience volume loss, this treatment is beneficial in bringing back the volume to the areas of concern. Aside from the plumping effect, hyaluronic acid fillers can also be used for contouring certain areas of the face, such as the jaw area. We analyze the anatomy of your face before anything else and advise you on how and what we can do to achieve subtle and natural results. Our techniques reflect the Brazilian beauty standards as they are known for their naturally appealing appearance. These two treatments are often used together to obtain optimum results for patients.
– Marina Locio, ML Aesthetics Clinic,