Cork Pot Holders Made of Wine Corks (DIY – How To Guide)
If you are in the market for cork pot holders, why not consider making them? These chic pot holders make a great gift and are instant conversation pieces.

Dear Marc:
We entertain a lot in our home and wine is our drink of choice when hosting dinner parties. I’ve been in the habit of collecting the wine corks leftover from these fabulous soirees, as I think they could make a great addition to a DIY project. Now the question is: what kind of DIY project would use wine corks?
Dear Amy:
Like most people, I wouldn’t call myself a wine connoisseur, but I do know enough about wine to work my way through a wine menu. Although, I have to admit, as much as I learn about wines, I’m still dazzled by the prettiest bottle design. I know…I know…buying wine based on its bottle design is like buying a car based on its color, but what can I say? I’m a designer. I love how colors and texture come together.
With that being said, my favorite aspect of the bottle design is the cork. Each cork has a beautiful logo printed on its side, and the combination of black ink and cork makes for a chic look! After hosting a dinner party where a fair amount of wine has been consumed, I like to make myself new chic cork pot holders. Depending on the size of your soirees, you may need to host a few of them to have enough corks to make this fab project!
Cork Pot Holders DIY Supplies:
- Wine cork
- Cork tile
- Glue gun and stick
- Utility knife

Step 1:

Step 2: