DIY Felt Flower Throw Pillow
Dear Marc:
I love to accessorize! I try to change things around using seasonal themes but I’m running out of inspiration. I’ve done everything over the years and now I want to try something unique and affordable. Help!
Dear Jill:
Accessories are like icing on a cake – if you have a sweet tooth, the more the merrier. Although, have you ever heard someone say “This cake is just too sweet for me.”? Sometimes, more is not always better. You have homeowners who love their rooms filled with a myriad of details while others prefer to keep their designs simple. In most cases, we are best to “edit” our current accessories as opposed to adding more onto our hard surfaces. Editing gives you the ability to swap out some dull accessories with vibrant and interesting ones that reflect the current season.
One of my favourite ways to redecorate for Spring is to find inspiration in my surroundings. Whether this be in the form of a painting, an area rug or even a box of Scottie’s tissue. For this particular project, I have taken inspiration from a fully bloomed garden flower found on a Scottie’s tissue box and decked out my accent pillows to match.
I created a simple DIY project using leftover felt from a craft project and made fully bloomed flowers and stitched them on my existing pillows to give them a Spring inspired look.
– Pink Felt
– Scissors
– Glue Gun and Glue sticks
– Lighter
– Metal Bottle Cap
– Needle and Thread
Step 1:
Cut 8-10 felt petals three inches wide by three inches long.
Step 2:
Using a glue gun, glue the petals together in a circular pattern so as to form a flower.
Step 3:
Hot glue a metal bottle cap or decorative button in the centre of the flower. Burn the edges of the felt to create a unique look.
Step 4:
Create two more flowers by repeating steps 1 to three. Stitch the flowers to the accent pillow cover. And there you have it, a beautiful accent cushion that matches your home décor.
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