DIY Gold Dipped Vase
Dear Marc:
I have been buying flowers lately. I enjoy having fresh flowers in the house and I like to change around the type of flower and vase displayed. I’d like to make a clear glass vase that I bought at the dollar store look more expensive. Any ideas?
Dear Jane:
One of the hottest trends in design today is “dipping”. Now that sounds like something you do on a Saturday night at the lake where air conditioning is optional. This dipping effect is much more sophisticated than jumping off a dock on a summer night though.
If we close our eyes, we can almost smell summer as it creeps up ever so slowly behind the lingering spring weather. It is no surprise I’m sure, that summer is my favourite season! Warm weather, flip-flops, birds chirping, and fresh flowers stimulate all our senses. It is the season that celebrates vibrancy and vitality. It is also when many of us, at the first sign of warm weather – lukewarm counts too, go running to the market for fresh flowers.
Once we’ve purchased the flowers, we need to set them in a vase that does them justice. This means we’ll either spend a few bucks on a beautiful designer vase or we’ll roll up our sleeves and create one ourselves. Here is a good option if you choose the latter.
– Clear glass vase
– Gold acrylic craft paint
Step 1:
Tip the vase onto its side. Pour acrylic paint on the bottom and halfway up the side of the vase. Let the paint run off diagonally towards the bottom of the vase.
Step 2:
Flip the vase upside down and let dry.
Step 3:
Place a beautiful floral bouquet in to it and proudly display your new designer vase on your best table.