Flooring 911: Quick Fixes for 5 Common Flooring Emergencies

Whether you have small kids, pets, or just messy adults, your floors likely take the brunt of your family’s daily activities. No matter what kind of flooring you have in your home, floors are expensive and difficult to replace, so maintenance is key. Try these home remedies for stained, scratched, and dirty floors:
- Wine or Juice Stains on Carpet
Using a cloth, try to blot out as much of the liquid as you can. After blotting, pour cold water onto the stain and blot some more. Finally, prepare a baking soda paste (3:1 ratio of water to baking soda) and apply the mixture to the stain. Wait for the mixture to dry, then vacuum.
- Scratches on Hardwood
Depending on the severity of your scratch, you can mend your floor using shellac, sealant or wax. Ensure the area is clean and dry first and make sure to buff after.
- Water Stains on Wood
There are two kinds of water stains: black and white. To removed black water stains you may need to use bleach. Sand the wood first, apply the bleach and let it sit for two hours or more, depending on the darkness of the stain. Once the stains are gone, use stain or varnish to even out the colour. For white water stains you can use one of the following household products: mayonnaise, toothpaste, salt and oil, steel wool, an iron, ash or even a Magic Eraser.
- Grout Stains on Tile
Take 1/2 cup of baking soda, add to it 1/3 cup of ammonia and 1/4 cup of white vinegar. Put the whole mixture into 7 cups of water and sponge it onto your grout.
- Spot Cleaning Laminate Flooring
Mix 1 cup of white vinegar in a gallon of warm water and use it directly on spots on your floor. Be careful to only apply the solution to the stained area, as vinegar is acidic and can dull the finish on your floors.