Hair Removal Options

Woman have been slaving over their legs, arms, bikini lines and faces for something like an eternity, most of them searching perilously for a hair removal option that works for their skin type, hair type and lifestyle. With it being summer, this search tends to take on a grave seriousness, with the shorts, skirts and dresses that line closets and shelves practically begging to be worn. Aside from the more common hair removal options I’m sure we’re all well acquainted with by now – shaving, waxing, threading and tweezing. Here are five more you ought to consider before throwing up your hands and resigning to a life of jeans and long-sleeved tops.
Depilatory Creams
Creams like Nair an Veet work by dissolving the hair above skin level using chemicals. Because the hair is not being tackled from the root, depilatory creams do not provide a long term solution, and hair grows back at about the same rate it would if it were shaved. That said, these creams are easy, relatively inexpensive and work quickly. The chemical component can be a dissuading factor for those with sensitive skin.
Sugaring is similar to waxing, using a sugar paste to remove the hair. Hair removal using sugaring tends to last anywhere from four to six weeks and the mixture can be made at home.
An epilator is an electrical mechanism that works similarly to a tweezer. The process of epilating pulls the individual hairs from the roots and lasts between three to six weeks.
On the costlier end of the spectrum, laser hair-removal is an option which yields long-term results. Laser is best for those with thick, fast-growing hair, or skin that’s sensitive to razers or creams. It works best on light to medium complexion and can take anywhere from six to 12 sessions to effectively stunt hair growth.
Electrolysis works by destroying the roots of each hair at its follicle using electric current. Its FDA approved, works for any skin type and requires 15 to 30 sessions to permanently terminate the follicle.