How to Create a Designer Living Room In 4 Easy Steps
Dear Marc:
How do I go about redesigning my living room? It has hardwood floors, a chocolate brown sofa, oak side tables and bright green walls. I want all new furnishings, so any ideas you have would be helpful.
Dear Tiffany:
Designing a living room for the first time is like packing a lunch. You carefully chose the best items, try to fit them all within a confined space, and hope for the best.
Poor planning can result in a squished sandwich, a leaked yogurt and a huge disaster! Just like anything else in life, design is all about planning. The more you plan in design, the smoother the execution of the project.
When it comes to living rooms, there are a few things to consider. Let’s use this recent design project as an example.
How to Create a Designer Living Room
– Paint
– White Side Tables
– Large Lamp
– Small Lamp
– Three Black Books
– Glass Vessels with Greenery
– Two Large Accent Pillows
– Small Accent Pillow
– Faux Sheep Skin or Throw
Step 1:
Less is more! Choose a soft wall colour paired with a muted trim colour. In this particular project, I choose General Paint’s Syntax (CLC1255W) for the walls and Akamina (CLW1013W) for the trim.
Step 2:
Location, location, location. Place the largest piece of furniture (sofa) on the longest wall and create a seating arrangement. Visually tie the items together with a neutral coloured area rug we choose from IKEA. Be sure to include hard surfaces adjacent to the seats to give guests a place to rest their drinks.
Step 3:
Don’t forget to glam your hard surfaces! When styling side tables like the ones we picked up at IKEA for this room, use books as pedestals to offer height for small lamps and accessories. The key is to visually balance each side table. When placing accessories, do so in groups of three. Mix the look on each side table to keep the eye interested. For instance, use a large lamp on one table and a small lamp propped on books on the other table. Finish the look by adding simple greenery wherever possible.
Step 4:
Style your main piece! Drape a sheep skin or a throw (folded in thirds) on the back of the sofa. Place a large accent pillow on each side of the sofa and visually offset the sheep skin by adding a small accent pillow on the opposing side. Step back and enjoy your new living room!