How To Turn a Shower Curtain into a Laundry Bag
Supplies Needed:
– Sewing Pins
– Sewing Machine and Thread
– Shower Curtain
– Ribbon
– Scissors
A shower curtain already has grommets on top so this project can be completed very easily with only two seams of sewing! This is a great way to make use of an old shower curtain that no longer matches your decor. If you’re making a laundry bag for your bathroom, you could use a second shower curtain that matches your bathroom curtain for a custom coordinated look!
1. Decide on the size for your laundry bag. You can make the laundry bag any size you like, I prefer a fairly generous size. The important thing to remember when deciding on the size is that you want to have an even number of grommets. Whether you pick 8, 10 or another number, that’s really the only thing you need to take into account when choosing a size. You also want to cut the seams a good distance from the grommet on either end.
2. Once you have decided on your size and number of grommets, mark the ends with pins. Fold the shower curtain right-side together, making sure all of the edges are aligned and measure how long you want the bag to be, placing pins at the end of the desired length. Then, cut straight down from the top of the shower curtain to the pin marking your desired length. Basically, you’re creating a long straight rectangle.
3. With the right-side still together, align the edges and stitch the side and bottom seams together. I always like to use that one-inch seam allowance. It just makes life really simple. But essentially, it’s just straight stitching until you get to the corner, and then you pivot and keep on stitching. After your seams are stitched, trim the seam down to about three-eighths of an inch and overcast it so it won’t fray.
4. To make this into a usable, workable bag, take a piece of ribbon with a little knot in the end and weave it through the grommets. With an even number of grommets, your ends will always come out to the front and you can finish off by tying the ribbon ends into a pretty bow. You can pull the ribbon tight to close the bag or loosen the ribbon when you want to open the bag!
Project by Mary Dobson, Georgian College, As Seen on The Marc & Mandy Show