Lighting Design 101
Dear Marc:
My house needs renovating! I am slowly planning and buying things for the project but I am at a lost when it comes to light fixtures. How do I know what size of fixture I need? Do I have to match my ceiling fixture to my lamps? Help!
Dear Cindy,
Designing and renovating our homes is not something we take lightly. For most, our homes are the largest investment we will make in our lifetime, and not to mention where we spend most of our time. This is why it’s important for us to get the right tools to get the job done. Just like my fifth grade teacher used to say: “A carpenter doesn’t go to work without his hammer and same goes for you – you shouldn’t try to do something without the right tools.” At the young age of eleven, those words would resonate in my head like nails screeching across a black chalkboard. Although today, they makes sense. In order to design a beautiful space just as we see designers making, we need the right tools for the job. This is why I have compiled five easy to follow rules to help you select the best light fixture for any room in your home.
#1 – Mixing and Matching Fixtures
Gone are the days when everything had to be an exact match! As designers, we have been pushing the barriers of traditional design and pairing fixtures from different collections. To achieve this look, compare the fixtures’ finish and style. To create a unified look, ensure they have similar finishes and a common thread in their shape.
#2 – Size Matters
The scale and proportion of the fixture will affect the overall look of the room. The rule of thumb is to add the room’s width and length in feet, then replace the total increment with inches. This will give us an approximate width of the fixture required to be in scale with the size of the room. For instance a ten foot (length) by ten foot (width) room will give us a total sum of twenty feet (length + width). Once the sum is calculated, replace the word feet with inches. In this case, it gives us a final measurement of twenty inches as the optimal width of the room’s light fixture.
#3 – Would You Like a Lamp with that Fixture?
Changing floor lamps and table lamps is one of the most cost effective ways to give a room a new look. Think of a lamp as an accessory that adds visual interest, colour and texture to a room’s design. Look for a stunning fabric used on a shade or an architectural detail on the base of a lamp.
#4 – How Many Watts Does it Take to Screw In a Light bulb?
Watts is an area that leaves us a little muddled. Most assume that a bulb’s wattage is in direct relation to the amount of light output although wattage is actually a measure of power consumption. With the many new lighting technologies available to us today, we can now find thirteen watt CFL bulbs and seven watt LED bulbs that will deliver the same amount of light as a sixty watt incandescent bulb. Your best option when it comes to energy efficient lighting is to ask for advice from in-store personnel on lighting that will suit your needs.
Happy decorating!
Fixtures are available at LivingLighting.com