Love Your Life

Massage is one of the modalities in the medical field that is truly undervalued and yet surprisingly highly effective when it comes to recovery from post surgical procedures, various traumas such as motor vehicle and sport accidents, chronic ailments, pains, strains and sprains and growing pains in young children. The most unknown benefit is being a true natural holistic immune booster. When massage is combined with other medical alternatives like chiropractic, acupuncture etc, the effects and benefits are even greater!! Massage is a great way to keep your health in check inside and out. – Genna Herbison, Peace of Mind Massage Therapy Centre, http://www.peaceofmindmassage.ca

Developing Empathy
It has been difficult navigating in a world that feels increasingly polarizing. This is difficult when you are dealing with people you care about and cannot avoid. In order to manage these interactions, there are two potential options. One way is to set very clear boundaries about topics that are off-limits. The other way is to look for commonalities between your differing opinions. By engaging in either of those strategies, you are more likely to feel calmer and less likely to create additional stress in your life. – Tessa Martin, Serenity Now Wellness Centre, http://www.serenitynowwellness.ca

Sleep Easy – What Mattress Is Best For Your Sleeping Habits?
STOMACH SLEEPERS Less lumbar sinkage into the mattress and an increased need for support to maintain the angle of your spine means a firmer mattress will be a better fit.
BACK SLEEPERS Look for a mattress made with high-density foams such as memory foam or latex designs to contour your body. Consider a medium-firm mattress if you are a back sleeper or if you suffer from back pain.
SIDE SLEEPERS Side sleepers should avoid mattresses that are too firm or too soft as they are not ideal for the pressure points that build up around the neck, shoulders, and hips. A mattress with multiple firmness options is a perfect in-between to solve this problem.
Alva Brant, Olympic Mattress, http://www.olympicmattress.ca

Healthy Habits
Making exercise a daily habit can be a challenge. Here are a few ideas on how to keep it in your daily routine.
CHOOSE A TIME – Pick a time that you’re most likely to stick with. Whether it’s first thing in the morning, sometime in the afternoon or in the evening, choose a time that you’re the least likely to put it off until later.
START SMALL – Doing too much too soon can lead to burnout or soreness which might cause you to quit altogether. Start by doing light to moderate exercises for 10-15 minutes. Once you get used to the routine, you can up the time and intensity.
MAKE IT FUN – If you’re having fun, you’re more likely to stick to the routine. You can listen to music or your favorite podcast. Invest in comfortable ear buds or earphones. Ask friends or go to fitness blogs for recommendations.
WORKOUT CLOTHES – Make sure that you have comfortable clothes in which to workout. If you’re uncomfortable, you’re not going to want to workout for very long, if at all.
HAVE VARIETY – It’s important to exercise different muscles on different days so that the muscles have a chance to rest in between. It also makes it more interesting and less of a chore.
REST DAY – Don’t skip rest day! Most people workout 6 days then rest on the 7th day. On rest day, you should still do a light exercise such as a 20 minute walk, or 20 minutes of stretching and yoga. This is to give your muscles time to recover.
Hopefully this gives you some ideas on how to get into a workout routine. Most importantly, if you DO skip a day or two, just start again! – Michael Santarsieri, Brickhouse Gym, http://www.brickhousegym.ca

Cord Therapy
Redcord Therapy, a multi-suspension exercise system used to activate and strengthen your muscles, uses the Neurac Method. What is the Neurac Method? Neurac is an acronym for neuromuscular activation, a form of rehabilitation that, when combined with suspension, becomes an effective treatment technique for injury recovery as well as neurological conditions. Techniques unique to the Neurac Method include suspension and use of body weight, exercise progression of difficulty and the use of instability by shaking the slings and ropes to active, rehabilitate and strengthen key stabilization muscles. These techniques can be helpful in treating injuries, reducing chronic pain and improving overall muscle strength. – Heather Curilla, Suspension Physiotherapy Calgary, http://www.redcordcalgary.com

Increase Oxygen
If you’re experiencing sore muscles that take long to recover after light activity, it could mean your muscles are not recovering like they should! It is a proven fact that increasing your oxygen levels can dramatically reduce the level of muscle fatigue you experience. By increasing your oxygen, you help with cellular exchange, the process that aids your body to remove wastes and toxins. Bill of Oxygen Cures has some simple steps that can help you increase your oxygen supply. Start by standing straight with a hand on your stomach, place a finger under your nose to increase your inhale, then exhale to empty your lungs. Take a deep breath with a timed pause, exhale slowly and then pause again. Start by doing a set of five of these breaths up to three times a day. By engaging your lower lungs you will get seven times the amount of oxygen versus a regular breath and remove fifteen times more toxins! – Bill Allen, Oxygen Cures,