Mental Health Advice
In this segment of The Marc and Mandy Show, Tessa Martin from Serenity Now Wellness Centre shares advice for taking care of your mental health.
Tessa Martin: Hi Marc and Mandy. Today, I just want to help you guys understand how people are struggling with their mental health and some things that they can do to be able to support themselves. When people are having problems, a lot of times it’s about understanding. Mental health is just a basic check engine light for your internal system. What you want to be paying attention to is any changes in your internal environment. That might be difficulties unwinding, hard time concentrating, feeling your heart rate increasing, or your breath being very shallow. Those are all things that you want to be paying attention to because that’s your check engine light saying that something’s off. I like to let people think about these internal changes as whispers and screams. So, what I tell people is is first your body’s gonna whisper and then it screams. So, what are some of the whispers? Whispers would be things like just starting to feel a little bit more lethargic or feeling like a little bit more irritable with people around you. When things start to scream, that’s when you’re going to notice that maybe you’re having problems sleeping at night, you might be getting in more fights with the people around you, and then also more escape behaviors, so people will be doing things like more social media or things like alcohol and drugs. I would encourage people to get support at the whisper stage. You can avoid some of the more severe consequences that might be happening. When you’re looking for a counselor or psychologist, it’s about finding somebody that you can really resonate with. Give them a call just to be able to understand if you can have a conversation with them so that you can feel that there’s that coherence between the two of you.
To learn more or to book a consultation, visit the Serenity Now Wellness Centre website.
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