The Benefits of LED Flashlights
Flashlights are an important item in any tool kit. Traditional flashlights are known for being bulky and devouring batteries, but the development of the LED flashlight by brands like Fenix has greatly advanced the technology in this field. LED flashlights feature longer-lasting batteries, are more cost-effective, are safer and more reliable, and are less bulky than traditional flashlights. Read on to learn more about the benefits of LED flashlights.
Longer-Lasting Batteries
One of the most important and well-known benefits that LED flashlights offer is longer battery life. The batteries in LED flashlights can last 10 times as long as the batteries in traditional flashlights. This is because LED lights are much more energy-efficient than traditional filament bulbs. Filament lights waste a lot of energy by turning it into heat rather than light. Not only does this end up using the batteries more quickly, but the heat can also even make using a traditional flashlight uncomfortable. It should also be noted that many types of LED flashlights offer a setting that dims the light slightly in return for longer battery life.

Saving Money Over the Long Run
While LED flashlights might cost a little more at first, they will help you save money in the long run. There are two reasons that LED flashlights will help you save money over conventional flashlights. Firstly, you will not have to buy batteries as often. As previously mentioned, traditional flashlights go through batteries rather quickly. Conventional flashlights also often use larger and more expensive batteries than LED flashlights. Secondly, the LED flashlight itself will last longer than a conventional flashlight. While the purchase price of a LED flashlight may be a little higher, you may have to purchase two or more conventional flashlights to match the lifespan of an LED model.
Safer & More Reliable
It is also worth noting that LED flashlights are safer and more reliable than conventional flashlights. Conventional flashlights include flimsy filaments that can break or become dislodged quite easily. The large batteries in conventional flashlights also get dislodged more easily. The large plastic or glass lens used for traditional flashlights can also break into jagged pieces. The small individual diodes used in an LED flashlight are much less likely to break. LED flashlights are more resistant to impacts than conventional flashlights. Finally, conventional flashlights often die when you are least expecting it. LED flashlights gradually dim over time, giving you plenty of warning to replace the batteries.
Less Bulky
One of the most underrated benefits of LED flashlights is that they are less bulky than conventional flashlights. Conventional flashlights, especially the more powerful models, need to be large and cumbersome to accommodate the oversized batteries and bulbs that are needed for this type of flashlight to produce a powerful beam. LED flashlights are slimmer and more ergonomic than conventional flashlights. They are also better for headlamps because LED lights are compact and powerful. This is why mechanics, cave divers, and others often prefer to use LED headlamps.
Going With LED Flashlights
As you can see, LED flashlights more than make up for their slightly higher initial cost by offering numerous benefits over traditional flashlights. LED flashlights are continuing to get better as scientists work on new types of diodes and other improvements. LED lights only offered low-intensity red light when they were first developed in the 1960s, so the technology has already come a long way. LED flashlights have become more widely available in recent years due to the ease of purchasing one on the Internet. Also, more brick and mortar stores carry a wide range of LED flashlights than ever before.