Boost Your Metabolism with 4 Simple Exercises
Are you looking to lose a little bit of weight, or boost up your metabolism? Devon from Fitness Zone shares four simple exercises you can do at the gym to keep in shape. (Catch this segment on TV on August 29th for a full demonstration of each technique.)
Rowing Machine: This is a really good way to help increase your coordination. These machines are fantastic for cardio and a little bit of resistance in your legs as well.
Resistance Punching: Using a resistance band gives you something to punch against for a great workout.
Jacob’s Ladder: This is basically a treadmill and ladder in one. By mixing them together, we get the more intense and effective workout possible for elevating that metabolism.
Resistance Squats: The squat is a fundamental and key movement for any resistance training program.
Before you begin, make sure to start with a proper 5 to 10 minute warm-up just to get the body warm and get the joints warm. Repeat each exercise in 30 second intervals for a fairly high intensity workout with zero rest between exercises. For a beginner, you want to aim for 20 to 25 minutes.